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Website Spoofing

Disclaimer: This project is for learning purposes only. No websites were altered or affected in anyway. Tech On Fleek and its’ founders do not engage in malicious activity. We are using this information as a tool to teach and teach only. All whom read this should know that it is against the law to deface websites or falsely impersonate organizations. It is recommended that you do not participate in illegal activity. Tech On Fleek will not be responsible for your back action, you will be. Use this as a learning tool and nothing else.

The Lesson Here:

  • You can use wget to make a copy of a website, then open that copy in a browser to view your copy.

  • You can open that copy in an editor such as bluefish (linux) or any editors they have for windows such as komodo edit (windows). There are plenty of others, these are just examples.

  • You can alter the copy of websites in an editor

  • Sometimes bad guys then place the altered version online after choosing a host, or hosting themselves on countries that allow hidden services..or countries that aren’t very strict about cybercrimes

This is only for the purposes of understanding and using wget! Do not go around gettin your wget on just because at random! We are modifying a copy and have not altered the website in anyway. The same information can be found by right-click view source on the web-page itself.

1. In the terminal in Ubuntu run command wget, a copy of this website will be download onto your local computer.

2. Open up website in an editor such as Komodo edit, bluefish or any other.

3. Read change titles of website, words whatever you want (it’s only a copy)save..

4. Right click open the file with firefox or any other web-browser and you will see your copy of the website in your in the browser reflecting your changes..

Things bad people would do:

Spin up a server and host the fake or altered version of the site out on the web

Send fake links to get people to visit the fake or altered site

Then be caught and go to jail…which don’t do these things..Check the short video:

How To Protect Yourself From Website Spoofing:

1. Look for the https: in the web address, this indicates that the website has a certificate, these certificates are used to authenticate. This is especially important when it comes to transactions, exchange of any monetary funds.

2. Typically the fake website will have something slightly different in the domain address. For example, instead of it being it maybe or This seems simple, but many hackers spoof bank website, and send the website link via fake official looking e-mails. It works more often than most think.

These are the two main ways, there other layers, that are involved. The other layers directly correlate to phishing attacks which we will be showing in a later article/lab. We will show how a phishing attack is conducted, explain why it works and how to protect yourself.

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